Sunday, October 03, 2004


Okay, so that title is mis-leading. I only have one. Now, naturally, a car ride to London and back gave me some time to think. One of the things I ended up considering (somehow) was donating blood. I'd considered it before but never really known whether I should because of the time I almost fainted from a blood test! (No I'm not squemish, they just forgot to tell me the 'When you start to feel faint, tell us and we'll switch arm'" bit) which suggests I don't actually have that much blood to donate! But I might try anyway, pick up a form from the school and things. Not sure why, just feels like the kinda thing which isn't that inconvinient to yourself and could help other people. So I might try it.

Or I might not, decided being stabbed in the arm with a needle is unpleasant. But that would be me being a wuss, so I'll try not to.


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