Attention Your Head!!
Hola everyone. I return from Spain. And bring pictures!
Well, it's a well known fact holidays snaps are the most boring thing in the world. As drilled into us by Patty and Selma in the Simpsons, but I can show off cool stuff here, and you know, you can always skip it.
By cool stuff, I mean hilarious stuff like badly translated Spanish signs:
I can also show off about stuff like awesome views from windows. This was taken from the balcony of our room:
Seriously. That was the view. And here's the ironic bit, the hotel we were staying in worked out CHEAPER than a travel lodge here. Freaky huh? The internet is a window to all kinds of special deals.
Sadly, the weather was only that good for one day.
Ahem. On the more action packed side of things, we went to loads of theme parks and stuff, involving dramatic events such as zip wiring over a herd of elephants :
By herd, I of course mean 'small enclosure'. Still, there were elephants. Five or six of them! And it was a long zip wire!
But by far the funniest bit, the thing that made this holiday special, was that my Nan and Grandad were there. Now, my Nan and Grandad have never been abroad on holiday. Add to that that if you want to understand my grandparents, you just need to think of Keeping Up Appearances (anybody remember that? Swoosh goes the reference for Azar, at least, but the rest of you?). My Nan especially. Add to that the general incompitance of my family, and it was very hard not to laugh. My grandad loves taking photos for a hobby. He discovered he took over a 1000 photos over the six days. No kidding.
In case you can't work out how he did that, that's because my bro took his laptop and so he could keep emptying the digital memory card onto that.
Why am I talking about the severe incompitance of my family? Because it sets up this picture, which is HILARIOUS:
As my brother looks like Billy Bunter (there swooshes another pop culture reference), my Dad looks like some kind of super toothed monster, I look like I'm trying to do a Maverick impression (and another swoosh) and my Mum and Nan completely escape witty comments 'cause I'm tired and can't think of one.
Anyway, that's some pictures. Laugh at them and stuff!
I'm back! Kicking bottom or what!?
Well, it's a well known fact holidays snaps are the most boring thing in the world. As drilled into us by Patty and Selma in the Simpsons, but I can show off cool stuff here, and you know, you can always skip it.
By cool stuff, I mean hilarious stuff like badly translated Spanish signs:

Sadly, the weather was only that good for one day.
Ahem. On the more action packed side of things, we went to loads of theme parks and stuff, involving dramatic events such as zip wiring over a herd of elephants :

By herd, I of course mean 'small enclosure'. Still, there were elephants. Five or six of them! And it was a long zip wire!
But by far the funniest bit, the thing that made this holiday special, was that my Nan and Grandad were there. Now, my Nan and Grandad have never been abroad on holiday. Add to that that if you want to understand my grandparents, you just need to think of Keeping Up Appearances (anybody remember that? Swoosh goes the reference for Azar, at least, but the rest of you?). My Nan especially. Add to that the general incompitance of my family, and it was very hard not to laugh. My grandad loves taking photos for a hobby. He discovered he took over a 1000 photos over the six days. No kidding.
In case you can't work out how he did that, that's because my bro took his laptop and so he could keep emptying the digital memory card onto that.
Why am I talking about the severe incompitance of my family? Because it sets up this picture, which is HILARIOUS:

Anyway, that's some pictures. Laugh at them and stuff!
I'm back! Kicking bottom or what!?
But it's fun!
Yeah, the building was very tall. Tallest in Spain, apparently. Yet still it cost less than a travel lodge. Good ol' internet deals.
Yeah, we were tied on, so no falling into the elephant park.
And I liked my Maverick impression. Ironically though, I wasn't wearing the flying jacket I have, now THAT would have been a Maverick impression!
(Also: 'swoosh' is my phrase for when a pop culture reference goes over somebody's head, since Azar is Norwegian she misses most of them, so I'm just mocking her. Conviently, planes go swoosh too though!).
Who's Mavrick? All I know are Mavricks are the evil robots in the Megaman X games.
Also flying. I think it has something to dow ith flying.
At least you've acknowledged the fact that it's "since she's Norwegian" and not 'cause I'm stupid. About time =P
And it swooshed over boote's head too. Welcome to the swoosh club, mate. *shakes hands with*
I'm so disappointed in both of you.
Top Gun!
I've still only HEARD about it. I'd heard about Maverick too though.
So it swooshed Boote more than you? Impressive.
Hey, that's mean.
Only to Boote.
Thus also to me. In a way.
"Only to Boote." "And thus to me".
You need to learn what 'only' means =P
Sorry, I'll look it up in the dictionary. =P
Seriously, what I meant was that if it's offending to Boote it's so to me too, 'cause that means he has something to be offended about and it's directly related to my lack of pop culture reference skills and er...I lost my point.
That's because it was never there :P
I've never seen top gun nor have I ever wanted to. Live with Tom Cruise fan boy!
Live with IT* sorry. Stupid getting distracted by shiney pennies.
Top Gun is still one of the coolest movies ever. Also hilariously homosexual at points, but that's unintentional.
Also: the last line of the blog was another pop culture swoosh!
I figured that. I can see when it's swooshing.
You hear the powerful jet engine swoosh eh?
It's not powerful or a jet engine swoosh! It's just the swoosh of flying past me with it's little cute wings.
A cute little swoosh then.
I had an inclining.
That was an impressive return to blog commenting for you!
You're just not very stealthy, are you?
Into a wall, it sounds like.
It could be a padded wall like they've got in the padded rooms for insane people.
No, I don't know anything about that =P
Or you could be in Japan. Where they're made out of paper.
Tear, tear, tear!!
They won't stop you though. You'll run through them forever!
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