Fire Ruins Everything
Having your place of work catch fire. Surely that's one of the big dreams. Not quite the big dream, I mean, compared to winning the lottery or bonking the Hollywood actress of your choice, but pretty high up there, right?
Well, apparently there are all kinds of technicalities when it actually happens.
For example, contary to the popular belief you get time off, you're actually more likely to have to work overtime. Except you won't be doing your job. You'll be 'tidying'. In the dark. Because why would your company pay for a clear up team when they can make their loyal employees do the work? And you won't get as many days off, because it's not 'real' work, is it? You don't need two days off a week when you're only cleaning all day. It's not like you're doing a real job. Apparently. Oh, and you'll have to work in the dark. Your power generator will probably not be working, especially if it's the thing that caught fire in the first place. This is especially bad if you work in a shop that's actually a large metal box with no windows, because you can't see anything. Don't worry though. Your company will provide the 6-for-£4 torches to help out. And hey, you might even have to climb inside a skip at some point to retrieve some rubbish that has to be thrown in another skip. That's always fun.
Of course, this is without focusing into the fact if you typically have a chance to earn any kind of bonus (especially if this happens during the Christmas period) you lose it. So you even lose money too. And more money when you reopen if it's a shop and you do a stupid thing like promise every customer you turn away special discount when they come back...
So, what does this have to do with anything?
Well, apparently there are all kinds of technicalities when it actually happens.
For example, contary to the popular belief you get time off, you're actually more likely to have to work overtime. Except you won't be doing your job. You'll be 'tidying'. In the dark. Because why would your company pay for a clear up team when they can make their loyal employees do the work? And you won't get as many days off, because it's not 'real' work, is it? You don't need two days off a week when you're only cleaning all day. It's not like you're doing a real job. Apparently. Oh, and you'll have to work in the dark. Your power generator will probably not be working, especially if it's the thing that caught fire in the first place. This is especially bad if you work in a shop that's actually a large metal box with no windows, because you can't see anything. Don't worry though. Your company will provide the 6-for-£4 torches to help out. And hey, you might even have to climb inside a skip at some point to retrieve some rubbish that has to be thrown in another skip. That's always fun.
Of course, this is without focusing into the fact if you typically have a chance to earn any kind of bonus (especially if this happens during the Christmas period) you lose it. So you even lose money too. And more money when you reopen if it's a shop and you do a stupid thing like promise every customer you turn away special discount when they come back...
So, what does this have to do with anything?
Ah ha! I've totally noticed because Natalie had it on her list of blogs! But I still noticed!
Also I think the NHS gets a bit of a bumrap. Sure its not the best and it needs money to be pumped into it to improve it but what people seem to forget is that its FREE. And according to the Health service rankings the U.K is 18th best in the world, with is 19 places higher than the U.S, where you have to pay. In my book that aint bad.
People also forget that their not forced into going to the NHS and can go private. But the staff of NHS hospitals work hard to save lives for not enough money in my opinion.
I agree dude
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