Wednesday, December 15, 2004

This Is Making Me Very Very Angry

Well, my future may very well be fucked. Eggbuckland has still not sent off my UCAS form, over a month after I submitted it to them. I'm applying to do Drama, one of the most popular courses throughout the country's and they still haven't sent off my form about three weeks from the final deadline. There isn't even a reason. It seems I may not be able to go to University now because of the fucking school! As you can imagine, I am not happy.

So now I need to seriously consider other options, if I can't get in anywhere. I could just apply to Marjons for Drama as my sixth choice, with their shitty Drama department I could probably still get in. Or I could spend next year doing three more AS courses (hell, even four) and then apply next year, complete with the cash they'll pay me next year.

Or maybe I'm over-reacting and still have a chance. Either way, I'm very very angry.

Which isn't helped by the fact my good ol' brother decided to come home yesterday...


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