Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Story

I was watching Firefly with the director's commentary on, and noticed some things. Well, a lot of things, and the guys who made it are hilarious, but that's beside the point. My point here is that at one point they were talking about directing the characters to act. And they mention how to every character, they feel that they're the main character. "You are Mal" is the instruction they'd give, of course since Mal is the main character in the series. And they were explaining it, saying how to the faceless goon at the back, well, he would feel that this was his story, not the character's in the ship. And then I was looking at our big prom photo that Dan was kind enough to send me, and it got me thinking about stories and who's who.

There's all of us, loads of us, smiling happily and about to go our seperate ways. And to each person this is their story. To some of those people, I'm nothing. They won't remember me come a week, or a few next year. We're all just characters in somebody else's story, and not always major ones. But then, everybody is some part in our own. Kinda poetic huh?

Although I've never thought of myself as the main character. I've always been the sidekick in my head. I've said it before, and I believe it. I'm a sidekick in the story of other people. Hell, just look at the photo. Everybody's together, with somebody, and I'm an anoynmous face towards the back, alone. That's the sidekick. I don't have my own story. Nothing happens to me, but it happens to everybody else. And when it happens to my friends, I'll be there to help out, like a good sidekick should.

And you know what? I'm proud to be the sidekick. I'm happy. It's nice to not have to worry about yourself. I can care about others without giving a damn about me. I like not being the main character, I don't have to worry about....well....anything.

Ahem. I really lost the point there. Can't even remember what the point was. Oh well.


Blogger just_a_guy said...

maybe its a story about a sidekick... ha! never thought of that did u!

9:46 AM  

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