Saturday, February 26, 2005

I am no longer the only blogger!

Well, Cooper returned to blogging after a bit of absence, so I'm no longer the only one keeping these things. Which is good, because 'blog' is usually associated with 'chronically depressed teenager', and I don't wanna come across that way. Hell, I suppose I'm not even a teenager technically anymore. Scary thought.

While I write this, we're all about to go off and play FFXI. Which is still suprisingly good fun, considering I'm mostly anti-MMORPG. However, playing online games reminds me I missed going Riley's last night, which was a shame. I normally love to go, but last night I was shattered and beaten from Ju Jitsu so I really didn't feel like going. That makes twice in a row I've missed Riley's which is irritating.

We also found something funny out at Ju Jitsu, and that's there's something weird wrong with my legs. I've always known they were unusually tight, but we were noticed how tight they were. I can't bend my legs enough to throw the guy I was training with, because he was fairly short. That's when it's starting to interefere with my training meaning I had better try to find out what's wrong and why they're so ridiculously tight. Or I could just do warm up stretches for a long time, but I'm far too lazy for that!


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