Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Dodgy Radio Transmission

Cooper and Hol broke up. Common news. Cooper's feeling pretty down (understandably) and I'm not too sure how Hol is fairing, but I doubt much better. I need to get around to talking to her because it seems everybody is just helping out Coops, and not Hol as well.

The break up came as bit of a suprise, to be honest. It's a shame, and I feel really sorry for them. Not sure what else I can say. As usual, I haven't 'taken sides', but since niether have they it's much easier than it was when Coops split up with Hol C (at which point they ended hating each other, but both remained my friends).

I've gotta do everything I can to help them through this WHILE contending with my TS exam this Thursday which I'm not prepared for in the slightest. This exam is making me quite stressed, and I feel quite guilty it's taking up so much of my time (and thoughts) when my friends are in such a bad shape.

After this Thursday I should be able to concentrate better on other things though, so I look foward to it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I'm a Writer, Not a Title Thinker Upper

I posted about our movie on the Red Dwarf forums to make sure our use of music was okay. Got a response from the admin with "great film idea, by the way". Made me realise something. We had, all this time, been like 'well, we all know we won't win', but what if we do? If we won, and got put on a national (possibly international) DVD. Can you imagine that? It would be wildly bizarre. Imagine running into a Red Dwarf fan...

Of course, we won't win. I mean, our film seems pretty funny, but we just don't have the technical skills.

In other news, something wierd is going on with me. I've stopped eating properly. I don't know why. I get starving hungry, and then eat very very little, and am full. Today I ate four chips and a mouthful of fish, then was full from being extremely hungry. But I don't feel ill. At all. I feel completely fine. So I can't chalk it up to illness. Maybe stress from Theatre Studies. It's odd. Almost like being ill without being ill. It doesn't affect me so it doesn't matter, but it's odd so I thought I'd mention it.

I like mentioning odd things.

Friday, April 08, 2005

I Knew It Was A Simple Case Of Removing Your Shoe, Disarming The Bomb.....etc.

So, the movie's done. I keep going back playing around, but now I think its 100% done. Except I may re-edit the intro speech so it sounds more like Ace and less like me. And I can't stop watching it, or thinking about working on it. Feels so good to see a movie like that we've worked on, even if it didn't take us that long. The result is fantastic, and has had a pretty positive reaction from everybody who's seen it.

From what I've heard of the competition, I'm very doubtful we'll win. But it isn't about that. The movie was fun in itself, and we all seem to be up with the idea of continueing the series, doing more episodes of "Dimension Jump: The Adventures Of Ace Rimmer" as it's been named. And, with our plan to get this on DVD and into school, it could mean more people involved, which would be great.

Either way, I think we could have a fun filled summer filming these. And, if we can find a host, we could put it up on the 'net to see fanfilmers responses.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

ARGH! My Orthapedist!

Well, we finished filming our Red Dwarf film yesterday, and I had fun. I've spent a large portion of today editing it, and have finished a rough cut, but there were a few things bugging me (like the total lack of introduction) so I've gone back and edited it further. A few shots look a bit off, but that can't be helped. Over all, I was very impressed with how it turned out. Mainly because of everybody who helped.

Little embaressed they all out acted me completely since I'm the one who does Theatre Studies, but that was just plain awesome. They acted brilliantly and gave it their all, going through all kinds of things just for the sake of film. The fact we have a finished copy to watch (which got a positive reaction from Boote) is great, and while I'm typing this an intro sequence for the movie is compiling, based off the old action TV shows I'm so found of. It isn't going to win any prizes, but I'm proud of it, and it is pretty funny at times.

Sitting back and being able to watch us do all that crazy stuff is great, having a hilarious shoot outs, fights, quipping heroic (and not so heroic) lines and more. My personal favourite shot is me diving into a front roll drawing a gun as the Ace Rimmer theme kicks in. Looks pretty good and I come off looking more cool than stupid, which was a big plus. Pete's improvised lines for his defeats were fantastic, stealing the show from anything scripted, and Cooper and Pete in general turned minor nothing characters into pretty much the stars. And of course, without Boote filming, it wouldn't have been possible.

So thanks for helping guys! I dunno if you'll enjoy watching it as much as me, but it was certainly worth the effort from where I'm sat!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Back To The Past

While I can't time travel (yet) I can read old blogs, which I did after Cooper mentioned what had happened over the past eight months. There's some interesting stuff I've discovered.

One is that I haven't changed. My hair's longer, and that's it. I'm the same as I ever was. What irritates me the most about that is the bad things I've done and mistakes I've made were made by me, not a me from the past who's different now. Guess that's part of being me. I guess I found it quite interesting that over everything that's happened over these months, ie: through year 13, I've remained pretty much immune, and it hasn't effected me, even though it should. Sometimes I think it reflects my attitude 'life is a story and I'm just a reader', after all, you rarely change drastically during the time you read a book. Of course, the thing I find almost worrying and also quite cool is that means when I finsih reading this book (ie: die) I won't have changed. I'll be who I am now, except probably with a few more life expierences. It's interesting to think. Too often I've seen myself as being somebody drastically different in the future, but I very much doubt I will be. I think I will always be like I am now, think like I do now, and act like I do now. I'd like to point out this is NOT depressive talk, and I do in fact quite like the idea I will always be constant and not change. Even if I wont be and its just what I think.

The point? There isn't one. I just find it interesting. Maybe its some egotistical view and I actually have changed, but can't see it. I don't know, and I really don't care.

I also want to try and move my blogs away from me. You see, I'm not that important. I blog about myself all the time, but I don't actually matter. That's why I prefer either comical blogs or ones about subjects that aren't just about me. Unfortunatly, I'm not very good at this, and too often my blogs are self centered drivel. Sure, maybe that's what their designed for, but there's no fun in being a conformist.

The problem is, if you blog about yourself, at least you have plenty to say, even if nobody wants to hear. And at least I refrain from depressive talk all the time.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Lack Of

The blogs are dieing down. I'm running out of rants and my personal life is as boring as hell so I hardly ever mention it. As it goes, I'm tired of work right now with theatre studies providing an around the clock worry, but thats hardly blog worthy.

What else can I say? I recently rediscovered my love of Zelda, having picked up the new 2D Gamecube one for 99p thanks to an offer Game had involving trade ins, which reminded me how much I loved those games in general. Sometimes I think they should make a Zelda movie or something, then I remember all movie to game conversions suck.

If I ever get good at film making, when we've hopefully made this Red Dwarf fan film, we'll need to attempt a Zelda one. It would be original and fun. God knows how we'd manage that though.

Dont have much else to say. Just wanted to blog because I haven't. Keep it going as it were. I figure my blogs mostly suck, coz they aren't quite the interesting rants you get from some, and they aren't the stereotypical moaning, so their niether really. I wonder why I write one.

Then I remember the boredom.