Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I find this humorous, but have no idea where it came from. I had some kinda dream last night that I can't remember, but it made me notice this because I woke up thinking it. Ever notice how you 'fall in love'. No, I have no idea what I was dreaming TO notice that, but I thought it was funny that you 'fall'. Perhaps it's because a lot of people seem depressed lately because of love, and the fact that you 'fall' into it as opposed to, I dunno, 'ascending' into it made me laugh. Of course, the probabal meaning is that you 'have no control', ie: like falling. But I just found it humorous. I have no idea why.

Monday, May 30, 2005

The World of Blogs

I was thinking about the nature of blogs. And not why you blog, but what others get from them. You see, Tash just asked if I had one, I said yes and gave her the link. That's fine. But then I started to think. To most of the people who read this, they've known me for long enough to understand the absolute insanity that ensures, but I started to think about others that just find this. It must be so bizarre to read what I write because it's so utterly stupid. I mean, I hate to think what Tash thinks I think like now! It's kinda like you can use a blog to see how somebody actually thinks, but sometimes seeing those thoughts isn't anything like a person behaves. Means it must be fairly odd to see them at least.

Yeah, this blog entry was pointless, but at least I typed something!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Have A Kitkat

It's the half term, and I've already spent Saturday doing sod all. I NEED to revise. Not just SHOULD like it used to be, but NEED to, or I'm going to fail psychology and possibly theatre studies. The problem is, I just don't do it. I keep putting it off and don't do it. And when I do, I don't learn anything. I'm so goddammed lazy I'm dooming myself. But that's no longer an issue, I need to get revising and soon. Recently in psychology I just feel like I've lost my grip on the subject completely. I used to be very involved and understand, but now we're all over the place. People seem to be able to pull studies out for any question presented, but I can't. So I need to revise. A lot.

In other news, I was looking through my old word files, and found my dream journal, in which I entered three dreams. Maybe I should continue to update that. Lucid dreaming was very peaceful, so it would be nice if I could achieve more than three times in my life. This made me remember when I warped a dream to think I met my spirit guide. If truth be known, I really wanted that to be true. I really wanted a spirit guide to exist. Of course, it didn't and was just the dream, but I wanted it to. I suppose that's something I can say about me, a lot of stuff I want to believe in. I want to believe in UFOs, ghosts, spirits, that time travel is possible etc. just because I'm desperate for something that's not normal in my life.

Anyway, I'll stop there because this is bordering on the depressive/angsty and, if you've read my other blogs, you'll know that I HATE writing angsty/depressive blogs. There are millions of others that do that. I blame it being fairly late. When I'm tired I always seem to admit what I feel more.

I need to end with something witty/stupid. Urm, I can't think of anything, so let's use an old one: I STILL want a time machine!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Everybody Blogs More Than Me

Urm. Yo!

I don't actually have anything to say.

I just felt that people were blogging a lot, so thought I should probably throw a blog out there.

A few things have been bothering me lately, but I can't risk my reputation as 'the most stable person on the planet' and mention them. Our exams are rocketing towards us, which is dammed scary! I've got a horrible feeling I'm not going to do very well (oh, well I guess I did mention one of them).

I'm also tired, but have to write a psychology essay. Curses! Suppose I should stop blogging and get on with it then...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Got My Purple Belt, I Have.

I took my purple belt grading yesterday. Under Master Yoda. Hence the backwards title. Well, a giant cuddly toy of Yoda. But it was funny. Despite the fact I didn't feel I was ready for it, I passed. It's quite funny. Purple belt. When I joined, I was in awe of the purple belts. They were the second highest in the class, and the people I really respected (only Sensei was above them obviously). And suddenly I'm at that level, and I still suck. It's all very surreal. I mean, technically, I'm now closing in on black belt. At this level, I'm allowed (once I've done my coaching course, which unfortunatly got delayed until September) to open my own class, technically, and instruct people up until my level. That's so bizarre. I'm at the level where I can train others. Wow.

In other news, we saw Star Wars, and I really liked it. Cooper hated it, but the rest of the group thought it was great. I still moan about scenes with the Emperor in it, but that's because I never saw him losing anything ever. He was always invincible to me, and was always supposed to be in control, and suddenly here it all went wrong. But besides that, I thought it was good. No match for the original movies, but good.

On a more serious note, it seems a lot of people have problems lately. I blame the stress of exams. Unfortunatly, there's nothing I can do to help, which I kinda feel bad about. I just hope once these exams are over, everybody will be alright again because right now everything seems so crap for everybody.

Also: I got called the 'the most stable person on the Earth' by Emily, which is pretty cool. At least better than the fact I somehow accidently became nicknamed 'Jesus' the other night...

Friday, May 20, 2005


Well, I got a card in the post today. A Get Well Soon card from Emily. One that I'm assured came from a very good tree, as confirmed by use of time machine.

I actually think that may be the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me! I'm really touched.

In other news: Star Wars. We've quite stupidely not booked tickets, but are going to go and try and see it anyway! STAR WARS! The NEW Star Wars! Suprisingly, I'm not that excited. This is my attempt to get enthusiastic. I mean, I love Star Wars. Star Wars is my favourite movie ever. Something about the story, the heroes and villains and the epicness of it and stuff I've always loved. How somehow it's a battle for the fate of the galaxy and a personal battle at the same time. I've always loved that. It's not actually suprising, apparently George Lucas did loads of research into making it a 'hero's journey' so we'd relate to the good vs. evil battle and things. And it worked. Sure, so Episode 1 was slightly crap, and although I liked Episode 2, a lot of people didn't. I still can't believe I'm going to see the last ever Star Wars film to be made. Last ever time seeing it in cinema. It's quite suprising that I'm not very excited. Either way, I'm looking foward to tonight enough. I mean...



Thursday, May 19, 2005


I forgot to mention this. I'm petrified about going to school today because Emily has some 'secret plan' that she won't tell me. It involved my address, that much I know. I'm actually quite worried. She assures me it's positive, but I hate secrets. It should be interesting to see just how this turns out. I have NO idea what she's planning in the slightest. What I do know is Cooper knows what it is (at least he thinks he does) and Baird is very possibly involved. I'm worried.

If I don't return, tell my wife I love her!


Wait a sec, I don't have a wife.

Life As A TV Show

Explaining life as a television show is fantastic. It works brilliantly for getting you out of everything. The recent upsets in peoples' lives? Simple. The run up for a dramatic finale to the season. Me and Cooper joke about this all the time, how this is the final season because after this we all go our seperate ways (and we're OBVIOUSLY the main characters!) and so the series ends. Or there might be a another series starring Baird and all the 'new' cast members who just joined this season (yeah, I'm speaking to the year 12s!). In all seriousness, it's a great way to NOT be serious when things go wrong, and just shrug it off as another episode.

Anyway, and then I came up with a rather humorous idea about myself. I realised something. For a long time, it's been clear nothing happens to me. To be honest, this is good. I get to avoid any pain or anything. But it's simple. There just isn't time for any subplots involving me. They involve the more interesting characters. I'm too 2-dimensional to be fleshed out on screen, you see? From here, evolved my next interesting observation. If we ever got a bigger budget and became a movie. Now, it's all too easy to see yourself as the main character in your life, because, well, you're you. You see everything yourself. How can you not consider yourself the main character? Anyway, I came to the realisation. If I was in a movie, I'd be the ultimate sidekick. Think about it. There's no time for a subplot with the sidekick, he causes nothing and is the result of nothing. He just tags along with the hero who gets to do everything else.

What does this mean? Nothing. But it's funny. It does have one important implication, however. It means, if however (and by whatever strange means) I end up in the typical "We've got five minutes to disarm the bomb and save the girl!" situation, I'm SO lumbered with disarming the bomb.

Better get to work on those bomb disposal skills then.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Much Ado About Nothing

It was a tie up between that for a title and 'Curses!' because Emily found my blog. I blame Baird. I bet it was his fault.

Anyway, the title. Why's it there? Simple. The 'Nothing' part of that play obviously refers to love. And right now, it seems like love is coming out of people's ears. But not in a good way.

Maybe it's because summer is rolling around, and with 'sun' (in inverted commas because this is England), everybody gets romantic ideas. I mean, they aren't neccesarily the typical ones. Emily breaks up with Dave, Coops breaks up with Hol, Baird gets depressed because he hasn't got a girlfriend......not overwhelmingly positive. But it still seems like it's going to be the theme for the next few weeks. Which is good for me because problems of love and fancying I've always been immune from. I mean, I never get involved. I've always been single, am single and always will be single (crap, I sound like Benedick in normal speak). Means I can be there for everybody who needs me.

But the vital part of Much Ado About Nothing was that no matter how close to being a tragedy it came, it had a happy ending. Let's hope this story does as well.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Real World

Things have started to happen in this real world I occasionally mention in passing. None of it good. For starters, Baird's getting depressed again (as evident by his retaking up blogging) and seems to be a bit upset about girls and his current state with them. Which is a shame, especially since I really can't help him since this all comes out when the group go out drinking which I rarely do.

And then there's Emily, who I've quite randomly become very good friends with in the last few weeks (I have no idea what happened, suddenly we're really good friends. Which rocks because she's a very very cool person who I never really noticed before). Unfortunatly, she broke up with her fiance, which obviously has upset her quite a bit. It's a real shame, because Emily is one of the most decent people I know (she spent six years of her life growing up in the Amazon with her family helping people, which I'm still extremely jealous of). I seriously hope she cheers up soon because she doesn't deserve to be upset, but there's very little I can say or do.

She reads the others blogs, but I'm confident she doesn't read this one, so she won't find out I've been blogging about her! Whew! (Also in case anybody thinks I'm trying to make her feel better, she doesn't read this, what I said up there is my honest opinion).

Furthermore, this weekend for the first time in a VERY long time I've gotten rather ill. To the extent I had to take a day off school because I physically couldn't manage the walk in. I'm hoping I'll wake up better tomorrow, but I'm worried it might be flu and only get worse. We have exams soon, and this is not a time I can take to miss lessons. This means I'm sincerely hoping I get better very soon because I really need to get on with learning things. I already missed Cooper, Baird and Boote's revision weekend!

Good news wise I've FINALLY sent off our movie for the Red Dwarf competition, so fingers crossed. And Diary of a Superhero may soon get turned into book format. No, not published, but I might be able to get a copy of it as a book anyway. Which would be utterly pointless, but cool.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

For The Sake Of

I have nothing to say, but am blogging anyway, due to a strange mix of boredom and simply because I don't want to let this blog die.

What to talk about? I got struck by another feasible idea for a film today, but I think people will be less interested in it. While watching Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, I got hit by an idea during that famous end sequence with the room full of crates, and they stick the ark in there to be lost. Namely: what happened to it? So we could do a film, set in modern day, where somebody steals it, not even realising what it is and its a race to get it back before something bad happens. Standard stuff, but it would have a proper plot and be very doable because we wouldn't need anything other than a crate!

Urm, what else? It struck me that my life is incredibly dull. Anything worth mentioning I don't mention because I don't want to mention it. Which means not only is my life incredibly dull, it's also my fault. Which means keeping a blog is a rather silly thing to do.

Sometimes I think I should say something about Holly and Cooper, breaking up and the problems for each, but I can't think of anything to say. I don't know how to help them, but will do in any way I can, but other than that, I dunno what I can say or do. Especially on a blog.

Okay, here's what'll made a good random paragraph: if I don't like mentioning things I don't want to mention, and I don't have anything I want to mention, why do I keep a blog? Hm. That's a toughy. My bet is that I like the sound of my own voice (except in this case, I like the sound of my own keys tapping). I like talking. I like saying things. Even if nobody listens. This is very noticable on the fact I never shut up, much to great irritation of many people. Least here I can type, and if you listen/read, well, frankly, it's you own fault. You don't have to!

Right. I've a) talked about films, b) Considered issues going on around us and c) answered some philosphical question ('why do I write blogs?' is philosphical to me!). What's left to do?

Mention that I still want a time machine.

I really do.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Lack of Blog Entries

I haven't blogged in a while. I don't know why. But I decided a rather amusing way of trying to find out. I asked something that could help.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has this to say about blog entries: Blog entries are often rather frequent, at times taking place every day. They usually involve depressive information, and reflect the writer's ability in any situation to appear depressive. In fact, the frequency at which blogs are posted often goes down when there is an actual depressive mood in the air to once a week, occasionally twice, it would appear, for the writer is too depressed to creatively come up with a way of making ordinary events sound depressing. It is indeed theorised that the personality of the average blogger was indeed the basis of the GPP (Geniune People Personalities) used in Sirus Robotic's latest prototype robot.

This is especially true of the planet Blogotron VIII, which eventually destroyed itself because the inhabitants did nothing but read blogs all day, except for the hours 26:00 to 28:00 (they had a slightly wider orbit) in which they wrote them so there was something to read. Eventually they decided it was so depressing, they might as well destroy the planet, and be done with it. This, unfortunatly, came after the concept of blogs had been introduced to the rest of the universe, and so the devestating cycle continues.

When it comes to posting blogs, there are many reasons why a blogger may dip in the frequency of his post. As forementioned, he or she may have become depressed. Alternatively, he or she may know that he or she is going to become depressed via a handy sprout of time travelling, and therefore stop blogging to prevent another Blogotron VIII incident happening in the near future. A rather popular theory refers to the fact that nothing interesting has happened, therefore leaving the blogger with very little to write about. This was sadly disproven by Leigh Valentine of Earth, who somehow managed to keep writing blogs despite the fact nothing had happened. He indeed caused the reverse theory to apply, as when things began to happen around him, he stopped blogging. It appeared that when real things were happening in his life, writing blogs on eighties television shows and film making really wasn't required. Yet another theory comes about based off the lack of things to do. It is theorised that when a blogger has had nothing happen in their lives for an increasingly long time, they run out of things to talk about. Interestingly, the last topic every blogger in the known universe (and most parts of the unknown universe) gets around to mentioning is 'the rate of snowfall in Arizona'. Why this is, nobody knows, but it has led to interesting debates on the topic.

There you have it! The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy says all that on blogs. And all Earth gets is "Mostly Harmless", doesn't really sound fair does it?