Thursday, June 30, 2005

Product Placement

Let's admit it. Advertising is a bad thing. It never works out and it pisses everybody off. Occasionally there's an advert you like, but it never really affects you, and we'd be a lot better off if we just stuffed advertising.

Well I found a positive side. By I found I mean Dan showed me. At the nice following random link:

You see, it turns out quite a while ago in fact, BMW comissioned film directors to make multiple short films. And they're actually pretty good. I mean, the catch is that the car is a BMW (they're all car chase movies), but they got multiple famous directors (like John Woo) to make them, and there's actually no emphasis on making the car seem amazing. So you get multiple free short movies that really are up to the quality of cinema films in terms of effects and production value, and that's very impressive. Which means advertising results in free movies. I'm good with that.

Sure, I'm not gonna go out and buy a BMW because of them, but the films are good for free enjoyment, so I thought I'd point 'em out here. I think it's pretty neat anyway.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Season Finale

Well, I just got home from school for the last time ever. Well, last time ever from work, I'll probably be in again at some point. It's funny to think, fourteen years of school and it just ended. Of course, there's Uni, but that's different. So, for me, it's over. It's an odd feeling. Although a good one.


No more worries, no more concerns, no more exam stress! Just freedom and enjoyment!


The Sun

It's being a pain in the ass, I've decided. I got about three hours sleep last night, courtsey of the stupid heat. On the day I have an exam. One which, entirely due to my own laziness, will be my hardest yet. And I can barely keep my eyes open. I have no idea how I'm gonna get through it, but I have to. I need a C at least in Theatre Studies, and currently only have a D. I need to pull it up with this exam, which means I need marks.

Should be able to do that. I hope!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Left Out

It has come to my attention I have ended up being slightly left out of a few things. I'd like to emphasise that this is NOT me complaining, and I don't hold a grudge against anybody. It's not anybody's fault (well, it's slightly my fault). Apparently there's a group who always play football. That's good. Of course, I don't like playing football (to say the least). If it wasn't for my sense of masculine pride, I'd say I hated it. But that's beside the point. Anyway, it turns out this group has been doing other things now, and because I don't play football, I'm left out of the rest.

I cannot over emphasise enough that I am NOT complaining and that I don't mind being left out, and that I don't blame anybody. However, I have just discovered that I am being left out, in a sense. So I'm not sure if people see me as somebody who doesn't want to socialise, or as someone who they'd prefer not to socialise with. If it's the first one, I'd just like to say that I really do love doing things with you guys, really love it, except I extremely dislike football. But disliking football doesn't mean I dislike everything else, so consider this my message of 'I don't want to be left out every time'. I mean, if you'd rather leave me out, please do, I'd rather not be around than irritate people, but if you don't mind me being there, I'd rather I am.

And like I said earlier, please do not take this in an offensive way. Baird offended Emily by saying that she left him out before, and I don't want to offend anybody. I'm just pointing out that just because I don't play football doesn't mean that I don't want to be included in other things, just so you guys know I'm not an anti-social asshole.

In other news, last exam tomorrow.


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Theatre Studies

I'm supposed to have been revising Theatre Studies today, but I can't. For some reason, I'm just not interested. Which is strange, considering it's my favourite subject. We have an exam on the theories of this theatre practitioner, and I just don't give a damn. His theories and stuff are just dull, and I don't feel we were taught brilliantly (we haven't done a single mock). So I'm generally feeling like this is going to be a tough exam. On the plus side, we have an A-grade essay, and I'm normally quite good at imitating, so I should be able to just copy that style and get an alright grade.

I really enjoyed school these last two years. Sixth form has been great and we've made some great new friends, enjoyed the freedom and generally had a great time. But now I simply can't wait for it to end. These exams are a lot, and I'm fed up. I can't wait for them to be over now.

And then I can start enjoying the summer!

Friday, June 24, 2005

And An Update

So I checked the Red Dwarf website, which now lists the actual winners of the competition and the top five runner ups, which, suffice to say, isn't us. There are two main winners who seemed to be based around some fairly odd concepts, and five runners up that sound like they were done with skill far beyond us. Like recreating a scene from Red Dwarf in CGI Lego. You know, I couldn't even edit sound beyond using speakers to play multiple tracks and a microphone, so how were we supposed to compete with CGI? One thing that was quite humorous though is this line: "if only by virtue of not being based around a few mates from college filming in some woods" on why the winners won. Well, oops. But you know, we didn't really have a better location, and we used the dungeon as well, which was at least slightly creative.

I still wonder what shot/shots they're gonna use. We'll probably be on there for about three seconds, knowing us.


I just recieved an e-mail. It happens sometimes when you use this internet thing, or so I hear. To cut a long story short, we're on the Red Dwarf DVD. Not as winners, but as runners up in a montage shot. Sorry for the lack of drama in that revelation, but I decided just to come out and say it. Apparently Doug Naylor himself picked some of our shots, which is pretty cool (that being one of the two guys who made Red Dwarf). I have no idea which ones, probably only be a few seconds of us, but that's a few seconds of us the whole country will be seeing. Hm. Is that good or bad? I don't know! Either way, we didn't win, but we are runners up, which is pretty cool. Here's the e-mail:

Dear Leigh,


Congratulations! We’re delighted to tell you that your Fan Film The Death of Ace Rimmer has been selected as a Runner Up in the Red Dwarf Fan Film competition and you will shortly be receiving your runners up certificate! We received lots of excellent and very varied submissions and the judging was tough. Doug has selected some clips of your film for inclusion in a montage of clips from a selection of the more interesting runners-up which will be included on the Series VII DVD due for release in November this year. Many thanks for entering the competition.

Best wishes

Helen Norman

For and on behalf of Grant Naylor Productions Ltd.

Pretty cool huh? Good start for me at least, since I'm heading for Reading to do Film and Theatre, coming as a runner up in a film competition. Now we just need to wait for that DVD to come out...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Look At The Initials

So, random people. By 'random people', I mean people we don't know. Apparently they read blogs. At least, some people's blogs. The odd random comment popping up is always strange and entertaining. Made me wonder who reads these things. I'm pretty safe, nobody could stand a few posts of mine without knowing me because, for lack of a better word, it's crap. Literally. I actually go out of my way to think of something strange and pointless to post about, rather than real things. But people like Cooper seem to pick up new readers (like the very odd one) which is cool, and interesting because it means there are other people out there. When I write these, I forget that, and write it as a thing everyone else can see. I don't really know WHY I write it, but I never think about other people reading it. And I think it's quite cool. I love the idea a stranger could stumble upon here and suddenly read my thoughts. Sure, he or she would probably lose faith in humanity after realising I exist, but it's quite cool.

In other news, psychology exam is tomorrow. I'm not prepared. Not yet. Hopefully I can get ready. Need to study debates, but with any luck I can get through that on knowledge if need be. I'm hoping to learn it all by tomorrow.

In other other news, Dr Who should never be porn. Ever. Ever ever. Sorry Hol, ain't happening!

Yeah, read the comments on the last blog to understand that.

To understand that further know that I bet Hol a £100 (I think it was that much) that I would NEVER be in a porn movie, and I intend to stick to it.

Anyway, exams, here I come!

And, although I don't have it as stressful as Cooper, I agree with his sentiments, this time next week we'll be millionaires! Wait, that's Only Fools and Horses...

Urm, this time next week we'll all be free!

Doesn't have the same ring to it...

Monday, June 20, 2005

Time And Relative Dimension In Space

By reading that title I've turned you into a supernerd. See if you can figure out why. Sadly, I'm the ultimate supernerd for knowing what turns you into a supernerd in the first place, but its just a sign I watch FAR too much TV.

So Psychology in two days, and English tomorrow. Sadly I got struck by a chronic headache today, making revision very difficult. So I plan to spend all tomorrow (before and after my english exam) doing psychology work. I know I'm being cocky, but I'm not too worried about English. Psychology however, is a bugger. I'm gonna have to pass it somehow, so need to do lots of work.

In fact, my health in general seems to be degrading lately, I've been going half deaf again, and my eye sight is getting worse. No longer can I see the end of the exam hall clearly, used to be crystal. Probably just tiredness though.

In other news, Doctor Who died. Well, exploded spectacularly for some kind of strange deus ex machina reason and got replaced. Don't you just hate it when that happens to you? And it's given me an idea. A new ultimate insane goal! You see, friends of my Mum have been joking for months now ever since I said I was going to study Film and Theatre about me being on TV (yeah, right! When that day roles around, you know we're all doomed). It's become a routine joke with them that they ask me if I could be on Eastenders would I, and I reply no, I'd rather be broke and jobless than appear on there. But you see, now I have a new objective! I will become the next Doctor Who!!!

And I'm not talking about as an actor on a TV show...

Just wait until I get ahold of the TARDIS....

Time travel shall be mine!

In fact, after a joke like that, maybe I should express the actual concern behind all these 'being on TV' jokes. It's simple. What the hell am I going to do with my life? I have no idea. I've never planned for the future. Never planned on living that long. I'm always expecting some epic adventure around the corner like in movies, but if that doesn't happen, then I honestly have no clue what I'm going to do. Toilet cleaner here I come!

Friday, June 17, 2005

That Does It! I'm Getting A Haircut!

Okay, so there's been a lot of depressive feelings expressed in blogs latley. Well, even more than usual. So I'm going to fix that with the most amusing (and by far most humiliating) story of all time on my part. Damn this is embaressing, but you know, it'll lighten the mood. And you'll be laughing for a while.

I'm walking home, as you do. And there are these kids playing in the road, a little girl and her older sister, about four and eight respectively. Anyway, they kinda freeze up playing, like kids do when they notice somebody's nearby to interrupt their game. So I just smile at them and carry on walking.

The four year old turns to the eight year old as I pass and says, (brace yourselves for this):

"Is that a girl or a boy?"




I need a haircut.


In my defence, at least the eight year old answered "It's a boy" fairly matter of factly.

Oh, and if you think you laughed at this, I hurried into the woods since it was nearby and broke down with laughter myself, and I'm the one that was insulted!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Bloody Hell

Well, in humorous moments, English have released our anthology early. I haven't picked it up but talked to Boote. 'Wait!' I hear you cry, 'Why is this humorous!?'. Well, at the weekend I was going to revise English and Psychology on and off, using English as a break from Psychology and vice versa.

Guess what our anthology is on.


Somebody hates me.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


I'm freakin' tired. A little strange, I mean, sure, had a party last night, but that wasn't that late, and I slept very late today. Yet am absolutely exhausted. So exhausted I can't even concentrate on my revision. Which is bad. Very bad. Just means I'm going to have to work doubly hard this week to catch up on wasting a Sunday's worth of revision. I also said I'd help Baird pass his English exam with a good grade, which should be interesting. Since I don't find English that hard and get good grades in it, I just need to figure out what I do, which can't be that complicated, and get Baird to do it. Might help Hol as well. Should serve as my own revision for English as well, even though currently my primary concerns are Psychology and Theatre Studies. I can always practice English myself whenever I feel like it by writing stories. I mean, I always find myself questioning what we need to consider in essays then anyway, except it's a case of 'what do I write here to get this affect' whereas in the essay its 'he wrote this to get this affect'. Either way, I have catching up to do and am running out of time...

Friday, June 10, 2005

Swords n' Scissors

I just got back from fencing and am absolutely shattered. Fencing in this heat was not smart. Anyway, tomorrow I may or may not get a hair cut. As girly as it is to get it styled, it would help, 'coz I can't see a dammed thing and its freakin' hot when its hot and crap when its windy. I could get it cut short, but don't want to (my hair is the source of my power), so I dunno what I'll do yet. Probably nothing.

It's also Em's party tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to. Should be fun, even if I'm late due to other things. I kinda wish I didn't go Ju Jitsu, so I could go out more on Fridays, and got invited to more parties. Why? Since I don't drink, it may seem fairly pointless. I figure it's everybody being happy at the moment with girlfriends (well, Coops n Baird). Makes me wish I had a girl I could care for. Except of course, there isn't even a girl I like (fancy....not like as in 'am friends with'). Hell, if I dealt with hypothetical situations of 'if I could go to the prom with anybody, who would it be?' I have no answer because there's no girl I like at the moment. But I wouldn't mind meeting someone. Hence wanting to go to more general parties. Of course, this has nothing to do with Emily's, coz I know everybody (or most people) there, but it's just a thought I had.

I blame people. I never cared before. Hell, don't really care now. But it made an interesting blog (okay, so that's debatable). Besides, what kind of blogger would I be if I didn't blog on girlfriends/relationships at some point?

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I Too, Would Like An Adventure

Cooper posted how he wanted an adventure. This is what I've always said. I've always been desperate for an adventure. Something that means life isn't just "Get educated, get a job, earn money so you can buy food to survive". Of course, it hasn't happened yet, but that doesn't mean it wont! This is why having a time machine would be good, we could have multiple adventures all across time. And if we had a time machine that could also travel across space....well....even better!

But no. The likelyhood of a real adventure seems slim. Not to say its impossible, we could very well end up spending tomorrow saving the world from an evil dictator, but it seems unlikely. Hopefully it'll be Tuesday though. I dunno if I can be bothered tomorrow.

But yes, it brings to light that real life is boring. Suppose that explains escapism, video games, movies and the like, but it doesn't help. Something should happen. Something exciting. Involving time travel, explosions, romance and bombs that I doubtlessly will end up defusing while Cooper gets the girl (since me and him want an adventure, I'll doubtlessly be his sidekick). I mean, if something doesn't happen soon, I'll have to take over the world just so that I can save it.