Just over a month to go. A month. And then this will all be left behind. And I'll be in a different city, on my own, with all strange new friends, and there'll be no going back. I'm getting scared. I've always been bad with change, and I don't want to leave all of this behind. This is the biggest change of my life! I feel oddly sad when I change wallpaper or get a new TV or something! I'm moving city to live on my own and go to University! Cut off from every support network I've ever had, cut off from the friends I have and care about so much. Sure, everybody's in the same boat, but I dunno how I'll handle it. I don't have any money either due to not getting a job, stupidely! I'm worried. I wish I could hold back time. Have another year. Somehow stop it. But I can't. It's rocketing ever closer and I'm leaving all of this behind, and I have to come to terms with it.
Seven years have gone so fast. And now it's over. I never thought this was going to happen. Somehow, I always thought something would happen beforehand, that I wouldn't live this long, pr we'd stay this age forever, or some cosmic event would occur, and we'd go on an adventure as a group or something. But it's coming and there's nothing I can do. It feels like doom looming over me, to use an over the top metaphor. Every day that goes by I feel like it's another one wasted before I lose all of this. Everytime I go to sleep in my bed I think "in a month, this is going to be for the last time, with this as my home".
Why am I saying this? Well, mainly because I haven't updated my blog in a while and it's what's on my mind, but I kind of noticed there was no end point. That's a kind of 'welcome to the mind of Leigh' moment. Mostly it's quite barren in here, but that's what's there at the moment.
Least I updated!