The Wonderful World of University
It's a funny world when I spend my weekends drawing really bad pictures of shots for a film while eating 65p marshmellows, isn't it?
Yet this is actually the most proper work I've done yet. Storyboards for a film. I'm actually enjoying it though. When you're going for an artistic film, the amount of thought you have to put into the film is quite amazing. This is only five shots, but I need to construct everything in the shots perfectly. Makes you wonder though... There's no way in hell Hollywood director's do that! But here we're trained to consider every single minor detail in the shot (and even the actors, no saying 'that's what they look like' as an excuse, you need to cast the right people because EVERYTHING you do is read into).
It's fun, but challenging. And can be expensive to find all the things you want for the shots, but that might be me taking it too seriously.
House life rocks, by the way. I love living in a house, and our house itself is pretty awesome. The cat is awesome too, but she currently shits in the kitchen quite a lot, which pisses me off no end (as well as everybody else), but still.
It's just so great to have a house, so much more social, so much easier to hang out together without being in some crappy awful kitchen or such. My housemates are pretty awesome too, so it's lots of fun. Played a suprising amount of Smash Bros, although it's filtered out a bit lately, I'm sure we'll be playing it again soon.
Oh, and everybody I've moved in with loves Doctor Who, so everybody wants to watch it's spin off, Torchwood, starting tonight, which makes me look a lot less sad for wanting to watch it!
Yet this is actually the most proper work I've done yet. Storyboards for a film. I'm actually enjoying it though. When you're going for an artistic film, the amount of thought you have to put into the film is quite amazing. This is only five shots, but I need to construct everything in the shots perfectly. Makes you wonder though... There's no way in hell Hollywood director's do that! But here we're trained to consider every single minor detail in the shot (and even the actors, no saying 'that's what they look like' as an excuse, you need to cast the right people because EVERYTHING you do is read into).
It's fun, but challenging. And can be expensive to find all the things you want for the shots, but that might be me taking it too seriously.
House life rocks, by the way. I love living in a house, and our house itself is pretty awesome. The cat is awesome too, but she currently shits in the kitchen quite a lot, which pisses me off no end (as well as everybody else), but still.
It's just so great to have a house, so much more social, so much easier to hang out together without being in some crappy awful kitchen or such. My housemates are pretty awesome too, so it's lots of fun. Played a suprising amount of Smash Bros, although it's filtered out a bit lately, I'm sure we'll be playing it again soon.
Oh, and everybody I've moved in with loves Doctor Who, so everybody wants to watch it's spin off, Torchwood, starting tonight, which makes me look a lot less sad for wanting to watch it!