Road to Disaster
Hello boys and girls! Today I'd like to talk about someone very special to me. That someone is...

Here are some needless yet pretty pictures of our hero in action:

Now, if these pictures don't raise nostalgia in you, then you, quite frankly, suck monkey's balls. No, I don't care if you were more of a SNES person. So was I. Yes, Mario is better. At least, quality wise. And no, Timmy, I don't care if you have a Doctor's note.
These games rocked. Plain and simple.
Now, it's not exactly unknown that Sonic is no longer the great titan of gaming greatness he was in the olden days. In fact, it'd be safe to say he's a bit shit, these days. Having seen some cutscenes online from the latest game, I can only say it was one of the worse things I had ever ever seen.
But that's not the point. The point is, thanks to the PC Sonic Collection, I've been exploring the old games, and this road to disaster started long before that. Long before everything went wrong with the Sega Saturn and the Dreamcast even.
It began, after all those above pictured games... Those fantastic, amazing, colourful, fun, challenging games...
When Sega decided to make THIS:
Now, again, look at those old pictures, and remember how awesome the old games were to play (and get that sense of nostalgia, and if you don't, remember: monkey's balls).
And then look at this:
This was seriously the sequel to the above games. 'Sonic 4' by all but name.
Just LOOK AT IT. I mean, they may have lost the plot these days...but...
All I can ask is that we take this time out to thank whatever Gods exist that Mario did NOT fall into THAT pit.
At least HE'S still awesome!

Here are some needless yet pretty pictures of our hero in action:

Now, if these pictures don't raise nostalgia in you, then you, quite frankly, suck monkey's balls. No, I don't care if you were more of a SNES person. So was I. Yes, Mario is better. At least, quality wise. And no, Timmy, I don't care if you have a Doctor's note.
These games rocked. Plain and simple.
Now, it's not exactly unknown that Sonic is no longer the great titan of gaming greatness he was in the olden days. In fact, it'd be safe to say he's a bit shit, these days. Having seen some cutscenes online from the latest game, I can only say it was one of the worse things I had ever ever seen.
But that's not the point. The point is, thanks to the PC Sonic Collection, I've been exploring the old games, and this road to disaster started long before that. Long before everything went wrong with the Sega Saturn and the Dreamcast even.
It began, after all those above pictured games... Those fantastic, amazing, colourful, fun, challenging games...
When Sega decided to make THIS:

And then look at this:

Just LOOK AT IT. I mean, they may have lost the plot these days...but...
All I can ask is that we take this time out to thank whatever Gods exist that Mario did NOT fall into THAT pit.
At least HE'S still awesome!