Sunday, March 11, 2007

I'm Scared and Confused

So they changed blogger.


Now I'm all confused.

Least I felt compelled to change with them. The title at least. Couldn't find a decent format.

This is after in conversation today one of my replies was "Well, it's not like I know what I'm doing", and I realised that could become my life slogan.

Thus, there it is.

Easter's coming. Sure, first, we all have a shit load of work to do. But it's coming.

And I have sinisterly manipulated...urr, I mean, kindly persuaded, Marc to be interested in making a film.

A very specific film.

A Star Wars film.

See, we've worked out how to do lightsabers on film. And we think we can make on. And we think it's gonna be awesome fun.

And you do too.

Least, you do now.

See what I did there? It was like a Jedi mindtrick, except instead of working because I'm a Jedi, it works because you're stupid and believe everything you read.

Anyway, I think it's the coolest idea ever. By coolest, I also mean 'nerdiest'.

But hey, when we're swinging lightsabers around, who cares!?