Remember This?
People know I'm into eighties stuff. Love eighties TV. But it's not nostalgia. I don't remember that time (except for the shows, which were reruns, and pretty much all worth watching in the 90s). Instead I was thinking about the early nineties. Kinda hard to remember. I guess it didn't have an overall feel, but when you think back, I do feel kinda nostalgic. The thing that strikes me about it is the technology, oddly. The Super Nintendo specifically. We'd had an old Commodore 64 beforehand, but that was old even when we owned it. When we got the Super Nintendo it was like the cutting edge. Like owning an X-Box 360 now, I imagine. At least, it was to a four year old. It's funny. The rest of the time I can't remember any real feel to it. Except obvious things like the atrocious pop music we got. But I remember just the pure fun behind playing a SNES. It didn't even make any sense. I can't remember caring about graphics back then. But we just had a SNES, and we could play Mario, and that's about all that mattered.
But what actually reminded me was something I saw in an odd place; on a Doctor Who DVD giving you the announcments before each episode played (in reruns too). And I saw something that I really remember clearly, but is gone now. And I bet all of you do too (except Azar, who's Norwegian). I saw these:

Bizzare, because, as you may have realised, these are just the old shots that played before a television episode on BBC2, telling you what you were watching. But as a child, I remember waiting for that to come on, and for them to tell you the program you had been waiting all day to see was finally playing. They'd always make an awful pun out of it too, instead of just telling you straight up. That was annoying.
But yes, that made me feel nostaligic. Just seeing those. Odd, huh?
Oh, and before you write me off for a complete loser, I said nostaligic, not that it reminded me entirely of childhood. A lot of my childhood memories are based on more than video games than TV, but they're old memories of climbing trees to pick apples, going to the beach, or splashing around in a paddling pool. Not very nineties stuff, so not quite just plain nostalgia like I reckon these are.
Wonder if anybody else smiles as they remember them...