Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Thing #3 To Do Instead Of Writing An Essay: Blogging

For those curious people amongst you, #1 was "Watch Buffy" and #2 was "Eat Space Invaders".

That pretty much sums up my life, really.

Normally when I blog, at least recently, I've been able to be somewhat witty (at least, I am in my head), and make comical comments. Right now, that's lacking. I'm in essay mode and my brain is broken.

This means instead of coming up with witty things I instead ponder things like "What exactly does a live cod look like?" and "If Buffy & co call themselves 'the Scooby Gang', which one's Scooby Doo?"

I actually looked the Cod thing up. I was THAT bored. But no posting pictures! Too lazy for that, you can go and find cod for yourselves.

Then you can blog about it. It's bound to be more interesting than this one.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Attention Your Head!!

Hola everyone. I return from Spain. And bring pictures!

Well, it's a well known fact holidays snaps are the most boring thing in the world. As drilled into us by Patty and Selma in the Simpsons, but I can show off cool stuff here, and you know, you can always skip it.

By cool stuff, I mean hilarious stuff like badly translated Spanish signs:
I can also show off about stuff like awesome views from windows. This was taken from the balcony of our room:

Seriously. That was the view. And here's the ironic bit, the hotel we were staying in worked out CHEAPER than a travel lodge here. Freaky huh? The internet is a window to all kinds of special deals.

Sadly, the weather was only that good for one day.

Ahem. On the more action packed side of things, we went to loads of theme parks and stuff, involving dramatic events such as zip wiring over a herd of elephants :
By herd, I of course mean 'small enclosure'. Still, there were elephants. Five or six of them! And it was a long zip wire!

But by far the funniest bit, the thing that made this holiday special, was that my Nan and Grandad were there. Now, my Nan and Grandad have never been abroad on holiday. Add to that that if you want to understand my grandparents, you just need to think of Keeping Up Appearances (anybody remember that? Swoosh goes the reference for Azar, at least, but the rest of you?). My Nan especially. Add to that the general incompitance of my family, and it was very hard not to laugh. My grandad loves taking photos for a hobby. He discovered he took over a 1000 photos over the six days. No kidding.

In case you can't work out how he did that, that's because my bro took his laptop and so he could keep emptying the digital memory card onto that.

Why am I talking about the severe incompitance of my family? Because it sets up this picture, which is HILARIOUS:

As my brother looks like Billy Bunter (there swooshes another pop culture reference), my Dad looks like some kind of super toothed monster, I look like I'm trying to do a Maverick impression (and another swoosh) and my Mum and Nan completely escape witty comments 'cause I'm tired and can't think of one.

Anyway, that's some pictures. Laugh at them and stuff!

I'm back! Kicking bottom or what!?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

See you in England, England!

Originally that title was going to "See you in Hell, England!", but then I decided that wasn't technically true.


I'm off to Spain tomorrow. For a week. Don't try to ring me, 'cause my mobile goes crazy with charges when abroad, like, 70p to record the message, 70p to play back the message, an extra 70p for's just stupid. So don't do it! Dunno what it costs you guys, but it costs me lots.

Also: don't call on me. I'm in Spain. Therefore, I will not answer my door. These things are elementary, but you know, I felt I should point it out!

I've also actually written a first draft of the script designed for my previous idea. Problem is, at the moment, not all of us will get big parts. A few of us may go unparted. However, I can see us making sequels if this works (and I don't see why it won't), and in doing that, we'll need new characters every time (due to the nature of villains being they, ur, die) so anyone left out can be in the next one. That sound fair?