Thursday, December 23, 2004

I Cry for Hollywood

The other day me and Boote walked into town, finding a huge traffic jam along the way. He pointed out how it looked like a giant snake....and somehow this got me thinking for the ultimate video game to film conversion: SNAKE THE MOVIE!

Now, the worrying part is I succesfully came up with a plot that you could imagine Hollywood using in a crappy 'summer blockbuster'. I think we should all cry for the film industry.

Consider this for a movie plot: For a millenia, there has been a giant entity roaming out in the depths of space, consuming stars and adding there energy to its own mass. The SNAKE, a lethal destructive lifeform on such a scale that it destroys entire solar systems to add to its own mass. Who created it? Nobody knows. But when Alpha Centuari, the star closest to Earth, suddenly disappears completely, we know it's coming for us.

Skip ahead thirty years, and the creature is upon us (after all, it must have been travelling at lightspeed right?). We've had thirty years to prepare, and we hit it with everything we've got in the mid-movie action scene. Sadly, every hit and every attack just gives it more energy, adding to its mass. It wipes out Earth's fleet of cool space fighters and missiles, and starts heading towards our sun. One surviving pilot comes up with a plan, to create a combustion style reaction to lure it away. They build this huge output of energy into his own fighter (it's Hollywood, it doesn't have to make sense how) and he begins to lure the snake away. And in a 'shocking' climax, when he discovers he can't lure it away far enough and it will just consume him to, he rams his fighter into its tail, causing the front of the snake to hit the back. And, in true snake style, it vaporises itself, as it tries to absorb energy from both ends.

Now, what's more worrying? That I had enough time to think of that plot on a walk into town, or that you could see it being a movie?

Thursday, December 16, 2004

An Update on the Boring Life of Leigh Valentine

I am still very very angry. Eggbuckland gave me their personal word that my UCAS application had been sent off yesterday. Today, I checked the website. It hadn't been. I went to see Sam at the office, and she garaunteed me it had been sent. I went home, and checked again. Still nothing. My Mum decided to phone UCAS, and apprantly if it had been sent it would have been fully updated instantly. Which means the school is still fucking me around.

I am not happy.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Well, I went off and talked to the school today (well, not the literal building...) After seeing Sam, Mr Vivian and Mrs Woods, none of whom could understand why my application hadn't been sent off, I had personal assurance they would send it off right away. Even got a phone call from Mrs Woods saying she had just found it and was sending it. Except according to UCAS's website it still hasn't been. And even if it has, I'm still very possibly fucked. But as it stands, it hasn't been. Which is one helluva big problem. I need to see them again tomorrow.

I very much doubt anybody actually cares. Infact, I have no idea why I bother to put stuff like this on my blog. I need to have another big deathmatch between two ridiculous concepts.....that should get my blog back on track...

This Is Making Me Very Very Angry

Well, my future may very well be fucked. Eggbuckland has still not sent off my UCAS form, over a month after I submitted it to them. I'm applying to do Drama, one of the most popular courses throughout the country's and they still haven't sent off my form about three weeks from the final deadline. There isn't even a reason. It seems I may not be able to go to University now because of the fucking school! As you can imagine, I am not happy.

So now I need to seriously consider other options, if I can't get in anywhere. I could just apply to Marjons for Drama as my sixth choice, with their shitty Drama department I could probably still get in. Or I could spend next year doing three more AS courses (hell, even four) and then apply next year, complete with the cash they'll pay me next year.

Or maybe I'm over-reacting and still have a chance. Either way, I'm very very angry.

Which isn't helped by the fact my good ol' brother decided to come home yesterday...

Friday, December 10, 2004


Boote used the word Karma in his latest blog...which was a word I needed the other day. It sums up pretty perfectly how my life works, except mine are in quick succesion. With this theory in mind, I went to work yesterday thinking to see if it's true. First of all, we find a parking space right away, which was convinient 'cause I needed to show my Mum something in MVC for my bro. As soon as I get into work, I find I'm working collection (also known as Hell). Downer (and predicted by me as soon as we found a parking place right away). However, about an hour in, I'm sent off to shred paper all night and get paid to sit on my ass feeding it into machine. Plus. However, all that being hunched over crippled my back just before my Ju Jitsu grading. Downer.

Of course, I'm actually manipulating real events to make it sound like Karma. Sure you could do it for anybody. But I found it quiet funny it actually worked.

Mentioning Ju Jitsu...I passed! A year of hard work...and not so hard work...and lying around groaning 'coz my back hurt....has all gone and materialised in Blue Belt form. Well, once I get my actual belt it will of. But I passed. So I'm now a blue belt! Woo!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I Don't Like Suprises...

I had a check up on the state of my back today at the hospital, only to get a suprise blood test! That was fun. I don't even know why they did it...

And I'm now gonna have to have physiotherapy to sort out my back. Maybe I had better learn to spell that...Won't be fun, but at least it may help. It's been over a year now, I figure it's about time they started DOING something instead of just saying "this is wrong" or "that is wrong"....hell, they've changed their minds again, it's not "nerve damage" anymore, now it's a "chronic strain". Can't you just admit you don't have a dammed clue?

I also had a suprise essay in Theatre Studies today. So I don't like suprises. They suprise me.

Also: Hopefully everyone's back from Blink 182. Must of had a good time. Apprantly Baird caught Travis's drumstick. If he goes on about it half as much as the mock trial I may have to make him eat it...

And Boote only missed one english exam, Miss Hawke is still gonna make us all do the second next week, so at least he didn't scive off both. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Saturday, December 04, 2004


Today started out fairly well. I'm apprantly grading next Friday in Ju Jitsu (Note: Not going Fencing). As you're aware, one of the few things I've allowed myself to whine about on this blog was how long I've been on this dammed belt, so that's good.

And then I found out I apprantly pissed everybody off by giving Boote his card when they weren't around. Fuck. So now they're angry at me because they got the card and it was their idea, unfortunatly I was left with a problem. Go to the lesson and take the card with me, try and hide it and hope they find it, or give it to Boote. I chose the third option, which was the wrong option. Which was a mistake. Hell, I'd probably be a bit upset in their position. So I screwed up and pissed off my friends, always a bad thing to do. Even worse when you didn't mean to and find out they ain't happy.

So once again I find myself wondering if whatever Fate controls this world allows me to feel highs or lows. I said once before, everytime something bad happens to me, something worse happens to somebody else. This always keeps me feeling fairly neutral and concerned for them. What I never said was it was the same way around, if anything positive happens to me, something bad happens to, returning me to neutral status. Guess it's for the best, with no highs you can't be disappointed, and with no lows, you have nothing to moan about. Maybe something does watch over me...