Movie Idea: Aftermath of the Dead
Anyway, so my idea for our summer film? Well, one of the main rules of zombies, to make a good zombie film, has always been that they're only deadly in packs. So, we take the ultimate challenge. We try and make a zombie film with only one zombie, and still make it a decent film.
So how's that gonna work I hear you ask? Well, did anybody see that new episode of Doctor Who, Dalek? That managed the same with Daleks! So, what's the plot? How am I planning to make this work? Well, here it is. I wonder if anybody thinks it's worth trying.
A Dawn of the Dead style raising of the dead occured, and the world was engulfed in an apocalyptic like situation as the dead walked the Earth and nearly destroyed everything (so it's pretty much set in the same world as Romero's 'Of The Dead' series, hence the title). I was reading about the series in a review of Land of the Dead, and apparently in Day of the Dead they say that the zombies outnumbered human kind 400,000 to one. Nasty huh?
Anyway, so the plot runs like this (or at least the set up). For ten years the world was in the grip of what could only be explained as a zombie epidemic. But then it ended. Every zombie was defeated. Nobody is quite sure how it all ended, similar to how nobody is sure how it all began in Romero's movie (sure, there's the satellite thing in Night of the Living Dead, but that's soon all ignored). Everybody has theories and it's all discussed in the film, but nobody really knows.
This is set four years after that, and we're introduced to the main character of the film. The idea goes that during the epidemic, as in (according to the reviews) Land of the Dead, people set up cities to survive in, covered with fences and walls depending on where they were so that they could live safely from the zombies. Anybody left outside was killed. Now the epidemic is over, it turns out there is this one guy who was left outside, and survived for ten years against the zombies. What's more, he was six when he was left outside, and so now is about twenty (bit older than us, but means we can play him) and grew up surviving and battling zombies while everybody else hid. This makes him the ultimate expert on zombie behaviour, having survived among it for most of his life.
He's called in by a man who has been attempting to rebuild society, using huge funds that he's managed to acquire through taking advantage mostly of the shattered world. At first he's not sure why he's there, fielding basic questions on zombie history (to fill the viewer in), but soon it develops that this man has captured the last zombie in the entire world, and his trying to study it. Our hero goes beserk, trying to kill it to finish off the last of the zombie threat, but they stop him.
Predictably the zombie breaks out, and people fail to kill it (due to not hitting its head). The story becomes a rush to stop it before it begins to spread the epidemic again (bites one person, and there's two, they bite one each, and there's four, and so on) trying desperatly to stop this zombie from getting out of this underground bunker (using garages for the sets) the guy has kept it in.
We could then work on increasing the number of zombies as the zombie works its way through the cast. Our hero is left retreating as a hoard of new zombies break out of the bunker and into the world, leaving the viewer knowing it's all going to start over again. The end.
Of course, it's serious, for the most part, which may be a downfall, but I think it could work, and it would have parts for everybody. Furthermore, we need no effects, costumes, or props, because everybody could wear what they want. All we need is some people to act like zombies, or someone to act like A zombie, and that's easy. Best bit is if we can get Emily and Cooper to do the soundtrack, since the words 'Of The Dead' aren't copyrighted (and we can change the title anyway) we could sell the movie on DVD at fairs and things (or even on a website) since it's an original movie simply inspired by Romero. Plus it might be a bit of fun.
Anyway, that's my latest movie idea, which may sound a bit corny, but hell, it's zombies, of course it is!